• Lapis Lazuli

    About: Lapis Lazuli is most commonly found in the mountains of present day Afghanistan. Lapis has a rich history dating back over 6500 years, from the blue used to paint the robes of Mary of Nazareth; to being inlaid in the death mask of King Tutankhamen; to Cleopatra using its powder as blue eyeshadow.

    Lapis Lazuli has had many beliefs in many different cultures. Ancient egyptians believed it was a symbol of the night sky; Sumerinas believed the spirit of their gods lived within the stone. 

    Metaphysical: Lapis is associated with royalty, strength and courage, wisdom and intellect, friendship and truth. In most cultures, it is believed to ward off evil.

    Mohs Hardness Rating: 5-6

  • Tourmaline

    About: The name “tourmaline” comes from the Sri Lanka words “unknown gemstones of many colors”, and while the most common tourmaline found is black, the stone does come in every color of the rainbow. In fact, the ancient belief is that the stone traveled along a rainbow and absorbed all of its colors.

    Metaphysical: Tourmaline is believed to inspire creativity. Shakespeare even had a collection of tourmalines to help with his writer’s block. 

    The magnetic electric charge on the stone can help polarize peoples’ emotions and energy, and is often thought to be helpful for people with a broken heart. 

    Mohs Hardness Rating: 7-7.5

  • Jade

    About:  Jadeite, or jade, is of the world's oldest decorative stones, and the color can vary greatly. In China, jade is very special, often given as gifts for birthdays, weddings, etc.

    Metaphysical: purity, serenity, and nurturing, often associated with the heart chakra for its ability to attract love and dispel negativity. Promotes physical healing, especially for the kidneys, and to enhance the body's filtration and elimination processes

    Mohs Hardness Rating: 6.5-7

  • Sapphire

    About: Sapphire is one of the four precious gemstones, along with diamond, ruby and emerald. While Sri Lanka is one of the richest sources of Sapphire, it can also be found in the United States, Australia, China, Thailand, India, and Kenya. In the Middle Ages, people thought that Sapphire was Lapis Lazuli, as they are a similar deep blue color. 

    Metaphysical: Sapphire is the wisdom stone, stimulating concentration, enhancing creativity and promoting purity and depth of thought. It is thought to bring peace of mind and remove unwanted thoughts. 

    Mohs Hardness Rating: 9

  • Citrine

    About: Citrine is a type of quartz, most notably found in Brazil, Madagascar and the former USSR. Natural citrine is actually very rare. A lot of citrine on the market  is actually heat treated amethyst or smoky quartz.

    Metaphysical: success stone, merchant's stone, money stone. Because of its yellow orange color, it is thought to bring sunshine and positive energy

    Mohs Hardness Rating: 7

  • Chrysoprase

    About: Chrysoprase, known as the stone of Venus, is a  brittle, transluscent and semiprecious member of the chalcedony family. This rare apple green gemstone is one of the oldest semi-precious stones, and has a rich history dating back centuries. Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians used it to craft seals, jewelry, and various precious objects. According to legend, Alexander III wore this stone on his belt in every battle. When he lost the stone, as the story goes, he never won another battle again. The stone is often found in Germany and  Australia.

    Metaphysical: Stimulates creativity, nurtures hope, relaxing properties, soothing stone, detoxifying properties, increased fertility, 

    Mohs Hardness Rating: 6.5-7

  • Agate

    About: Agate is a variety of chalcedony. There are many different types of agate, and they are determined by the shape and color of the bands. The stone is formed within volcanic and metamorphic rock, and is very similar to quartz. This stone is found all around the world.

    Metaphysical: promotes inner stability, mental function, and intellectual balance, transforms negative energy into positive energy, soothing and calming gemstone

    Mohs Hardness Rating: 6.5-7

  • Turquoise

    About: The time of discovery is unknown, but turquoise has been found among burial and archeological sites of prehistoric peoples around the globe. Historically, the stone has been used in religion, art, trade, treaty negotiations and as treasured jewelry to many kingdoms and people.

    Metaphysical: Stone of communication, Promotes enthusiasm and creativity, Stone of life, beauty and good fortune, Helps balance the blue throat chakra

    Mohs Hardness Rating: 5-6

  • Ruby

    About:  Ruby, found in southeast Asia, is one of the four precious gemstones, along with diamond, emerald and sapphire. Known as the gemstone of nobles, it has been used for centuries on thrones and on weapons. Blood red rubies are the most valuable, 

    Metaphysical: promote loving, nurturing, health, knowledge and wealth.  protective of home, possessions and family. stimulates heart chakra and bring spiritual wisdom while shielding against psychic attacks.

    Mohs Hardness Rating: 9

  • Tigers Eye

    About: This golden-yellow, deeply banded gemstone is silicified crocidolite in quartz. It was named “tigers eye” because of its iridescent luster that mimics the eye of a tiger. Tigers eye is created when quartz forms over crocidolite--a material of fine, bundled fibers. This stone is found in South Africa, Namibia, Australia, India and Thailand. The deposits in South Africa are so extensive, they keep this stone very affordable.

    Metaphysical: promotes clear-eyed vision, helping us see ourselves and the world better. said to enhance psychic and empathic energies, while protecting its wearer with an unblinking eye. For that reason it's also commonly used to ease the eyes through meditation, physical placement on closed lids or other methods

    Mohs Hardness Rating: 7

  • Emerald

    About: Emerald is one of the 4 precious gemstones, along with diamond, sapphire and ruby. Sanskrit word “marakata," which means spring green. The use of emeralds in history is very rich and dates back centuries.

    Emerald gemstones are a variety of beryl, which is the same mineral grouping as aquamarine

    Metaphysical: Symbol of romance, hope and rebirth, believed to aid in fertility. Associated with goddess of love and beauty, such as Venus

    Mohs Hardness Rating: 7.5-8

  • Malachite

    About: Deep green with swirling patterns of light and dark. One of the most common uses of malachite from the medieval through the Victorian times was to hang small pieces of malachite dangled from baby cribs and children's beds to help keep evil at bay, and to help children have peaceful sleep. a hydrous copper carbonate compound

    Metaphysical: "stone of transformation" because it helps reveal and heal emotional pain by absorbing the pain into itself. bringing ease during times of change and gives the insight needed for personal growth.

    Mohs Hardness Rating: 3.5-4

  • Phosphosiderite

    About: Phosphosiderite is a deep purple stone made of phosphorous and iron oxide. Mostly found in Argentina, Germany and Namibia, this stone was only officially discovered  recently in the 19th century.

    Metaphysical: It is known as the stone for the past life, as it helps you recall past life relationships and spiritual exploration, development of psychic awareness. It is often associated with the heart chakra, and is a great stone for meditation.

    Mohs Hardness Rating: 3.5-4.5

  • Amethyst

    About: Amethyst is a variety of quartz with a color ranging from deep purple to pale lavender. Major sources of amethyst include Brazil and Uraguay, but it is also found in Zambia

    Metaphysical: The name comes from Greek origins, and is roughly translated to “not intoxicate”, as they believe the stone can protect its owner from drunkenness, as well as other physical appetites and indulgences. It is also believed to give its wearer psychic abilities and intuition. Many believe amethyst holds the power to dissipate evil thoughts and quicken one's intelligence. Some naturopaths will use amethyst to help treat insomnia and sugar imbalances, and to relieve headaches

    Mohs Hardness Rating: 7

  • Coral

    About: Coral is an organic material, and it has a long rich history of use in cultures dating back thousands of years. Different cultures treasured different types of coral. For example, red coral has been found in many neolithic graves, and two thousand years ago was very desirable in china. However, black coral was preferred by the ancient Greeks.

    Metaphysical: Coral is believed to have many talismanic and medicinal powers. For example, some cultures believe coral could cure madness, depression, panic, and nightmares. Many believe it is an indicator of illness, as it turns pale when worn by someone who is sick. Some even believe it can prevent its wearer from being struck by lightning. 

    Mohs Hardness Rating: 3.5

  • Amazonite

    About: Often confused with turquoise or jade because of its blue green color, amazonite  is found in Brazil, Colorado, Virginia, Australian and Madagascar. Amazonite has always been adored for its healing powers and its beauty, dating all the way back to the 10th century BC. It gets its name because it was thought to be first discovered in the Amazon river basin in Brazil, however, no deposits have actually been found there. 

    Metaphysical: Amazonite is known as the Gamblers Stone, thought to be associated with luck, good fortune, and money. It is also known to have healing properties, and soothe the nervous system and enhance love.

    Mohs Hardness: 6

  • Iolite

    About: Iolite is a translucent/transparent violet colored stone, and is known as the vision stone. Historically, it is said that ancient viking explorers, while at sea, would hold Iolite stones to the sky on cloudy days to see where the sun was located, and would help them navigate the seas, acting as a compass.

    Metaphysical: Iolite got its nickname “the vision stone” from its historical use as a compass, but it is also believed to guide one's journey to the soul in exploring new ways of thinking. IOlite is also said to be good for physical health, as it has detoxifying properties and can help prevent sickness.

    Mohs Hardness: 7/7.5

  • Seraphinite

    About: Seraphinite is known as the angel wing stone. Deep green color with white and silver feather-like pattern. Originally mined in russia, but deposits have also been found in turkey, austria, the US and switzerland 

    Metaphysical: Many believe seraphinite aids connection to the spiritual world. The stone has detoxifying properties and enhances positive energy. Many believe it also prevents its wearer from snakebites. 

    Mohs Hardness: 2-2.5

  • Pyrite

    About: Pyrite can be found all over the world, but is mainly found in Canada, Mexico, Namibia, Peru, Russian and Spain. Often called “fools gold”, for it’s brassy color, metallic luster and high specific gravity that is similar to gold.  It can be struck against other metals or hard materials to create spark. It has actually been used in flintlock firearms to produce the spark, and was used in WW2 to produce sulfur and sulfuric acid. 

    Metaphysical: pyrite was used by native americans as a healing stone. Protects from negative energy and environmental pollutants. Enhances strength of mind and willpower.lucky, attracts wealth and abundance.

    Mohs Hardness: 6-6.5

  • Rhodonite

    About: Rhodonite is a rose colored mineral with gray and black patterns, largely found in Russia, but also found in Sweden, California, New Jersey, and New South Wales. This stone, which gets its name from the Greek word “rhodon” for rose, has long been valued for ornamental use. Moscow Metro and Mayakovskaya Station in Russia have 80 square meters of columns inlaid with rhodonite.

    Metaphysical: Rhodonite has a calming effect. It grounds you, helps you appreciate the simple things in life, and helps you let go of petty things. Associated with the heart chakra, it opens its wearer up to unconditional love, and helps with forgiveness .

    Mohs Hardness: 5.5-6.5

  • Opal

    About: Opal comes in many different colors and varieties, but the common characteristic among all is the iridescent color reflecting throughout. Depending on the angle of view, rainbow-like flashes of different colors appear, caused by light reflecting off of extremely small spheres of cristobalite within the silica gel. Opal is mainly found in Australia, but the gemstone is also found in Brazil, Mexico, Czech Republic, Slovakia, southern Africa and Nevada of the United States. 

    Metaphysical: can spark creativity. Helps people enjoy life. Helps people become less visible to others. Can help moderate addictions and harmonize sexual desires. European cultures believe it is a symbol of hope, purity and truth

    Mohs Hardness: 5.5-6.5

Imagery and information from firemountaingems.com